Maca: Discover all the benefits of this superfood
During the lockdown, many of us had trouble keeping a healthy and active lifestyle. That is why this might be a great time to introduce some superfoods such as maca into your daily routine. You haven’t heard of it? No worries, keep reading.
What is Maca?
Maca (also known as Peruvian Ginseng) is a herbaceous plant native to Peru and Bolivia, where it is cultivated both for its nutritional and immunity-boosting qualities. It is cultivated at an altitude of 2700 to 4300 meters above sea level and has been cultivated in the Peruvian Andes for almost 2,600 years.
Maca is classified as an adaptogen and a superfood. Put simply, adaptogens (typically herbs) helps the body adapt. In the case of maca, it works by boosting the immune system and balancing hormones. It can support healthy energy levels and adrenal health. Maybe you’re leaning into the hustle of your career. Perhaps you’re frazzled by the care of kids in your family. Or perhaps you’re experiencing hormonal changes with menopause. Whatever the cause of an imbalance of hormones and an increase of stress in your life, maca can help you regain your balance.
But maca provides much more than its adaptogen qualities. It’s also a superfood. So, what are superfoods? Foods with “nutrient density,” which means they’re exceptionally high in nutrients in comparison to their calories, are often called superfoods. Some nutritionists and health professionals prefer the term “nutrient-dense food.” Maca is a nutrient-dense food, especially high in amino acids, phytonutrients, fatty acids, vitamin and minerals. It’s loaded with bioavailable plant protein and has more calcium than milk. Maca contains nearly every essential amino acid. Combine those high nutrients with its adaptogen qualities, and maca is definitely a “super” food. (Source: The Maca Team).
What are its benefits?
Hormonal balance-women have found that it helps alleviate PMS and menopause symptoms.
Antioxidant-it helps the immune system
Reduces fatigue
Regulates cholesterol
It helps build muscle
Ready to give it a try? This maca smoothie from Wallflower Kitchen is my absolute favorite!
Hormone Balancing Smoothie. Photo credit: Wallflower Kitchen
Hormone Balancing Maca, Almond & Cinammon Smoothie
Full of healthy fats
Contains hormone-balancing goodness
High in plant-based protein
2 tbsp almond butter
2 tbsp ground flaxseed
1 - 2 tsp maca powder
1/2 tsp ground cinnamon
(Optional) 1 tbsp raw protein powder, (I used hemp)
1 tsp vanilla extract
360 ml (1 1/2 cups) dairy-free milk
Approx 10 ice cubes
2 Medjool dates, pitted
Simply add everything to a blender and mix until smooth.
Taste and adjust flavors, if necessary.
Serve and enjoy!
Disclaimer: This post is intended for informational purposes only and should not be considered as medical advice. Always consult your doctor.